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How to Help Kids Travel Safely in The City

Travelling with kids is such an adventure. We love wandering around a new city together. Spotting street art, finding pretty parks, and looking out for fab lunch spots. Oh, and navigating new transport systems and getting through the crowds! Here’s how to keep them safe when you’re doing the same:

Look up

Kids tend to look at their feet or only see knees as they navigate crowds of adults. By encouraging them to look up we can help them keep safe and engaged with their surroundings.

Plan a meeting place

For older Hotdogs, nominate a meeting place which is the same in every city. We always used to use a Marks & Spencer, but you can pick any shop or restaurant chain your children will recognise. Tell them where you’d meet outside if you did lose each other and explain how to go to a shop counter and let a member of staff know they’re lost.

Leave your number

If your child isn’t old enough to have their own phone or remember your number, tag your telephone number on them somewhere and explain how they can show it to an adult should they get lost. These Little Life telephone ID bands are a great idea if you really want to boost your confidence while travelling in a very busy city. 

Do your research

To boost your peace of mind and get off to the best start, make sure you do your research into your chosen city before travelling. See if you can get tips from the locals or other families online. Look out for the cities we feature in our Instagram interactive family travel guides too. 

Keep them close

Kids easily get caught up in their own world of imagination. Exploring a new city requires a careful balance of encouraging their pioneering spirit and getting them to stay close. For added confidence you may like to pack a fun backpack with reins for your toddling Hotdogs, so you know they can’t run far. These animal backpacks from Skip Hop are a lot of fun.

Hand sanitiser

Curious explorers find it hard to keep their hands to themselves… Hand rails, door handles, walls… It’s all part of sensory learning to want to touch everything. Pack a little bottle of hand sanitiser in your travel bag – ready to de-germ before snack time.

Keep them engaged

Keeping our kids safe in the city is serious business, but it doesn’t need to overshadow the fun our little explorers can have! Keeping them engaged and aware of the new things around them is a great way to keep them safe too. Ask them about what they see and hear and talk through the new experiences you have. Travelling and learning together is such a privilege!


Where’s your next city adventure planned? Leave a comment and we’ll see if we can recommend any family travel tips to suit!


You may also like our blog: Packing for Baby’s First Holiday



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