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6 Resources for Talking To Kids About Corona

Talking to kids about Corona is tricky. How much do you tell them or not? And how do you tell them in a way that doesn't scare or frighten them. 

We reached out to our followers on social media and asked them to share the tools, conversations and resources they used to help. The answers came from parents, teachers and psychologists.

Below we are sharing their ideas, hopefully you can find something that helps.

1. Tom Fletcher - Why We Wash Our Hands Video

This video has received a lot of praise. Children are being asked to wash their hands a lot but how can we 'show' the effect of soap. This video does just this!

2. The Glitter Experiment - showing how easily germs can spread

The adult puts one hand in glitter. They then hi-five their little one. The little one claps, then hi-fi's their grown up on the non glitter hand. The adult and little one then look at how much glitter has got back to the adults hand. They then look on the floor and their clothes to see how much the glitter (represneting germs) has spread

3. How to wash our hands

Great video from BBC Newsround aimed at kids with a How To Guide to remind them

4. Social Distancing - why it's good to have space

This simple match video shows very clearly how if we keep a little distance the germs can't keep spreading. So effective and children really respond well to it.

5. How to talk about the Virus Itself Comic

Yep, there's a print out and fold up comic by the Univeristy of Illnois to talk openly about the virus in a less scary way. You can download it here.

Or if you prefer a voice here is the lovely Dr Ranj with a video where he talks directly to them to reassure them and explain a little more

6. How to talking about feelings

There's going to be a lot of missed holidays /outings / friends and that may lead to feeling of boredom, frustration, sadness and even anger. Helen Squires, physcologist suggests talking about these feeling and even when they are calmer talk about how you're feeling too. Acknowledge their feelings and then switch into a positive focus 'I'm sorry we couldn't do sports day' maybe we could create our own special sport day at home tomorrow and make some medals. Keep a focus on staying safe.


Finally, Keep a Journal

If kids are struggling to chat make a notepad or paper available so they can sketch /write about their day and feelings.



Is there anything else you've found as a great resource or great conversation starter that your little ones have responded well too? 



Author: Emma Watson is the owner of Little Hotdog Watson

Little Hotdog Watson is a kidswear brand with a difference. We make kids hats unlike any other by combining style + innovation. Our sun hats offer triple protection from UV, Mosquitoes and Overheating, while our winter hat are water resistant, reflective and extra cosy. Take a look here.

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If you liked this blog on things to do inside you may like our recent blog post: 8 Tough Spot Ideas

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