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Activities for the August Bank Holiday weekend

The new school term is fast approaching and soon your little ones will be returning to school! But first, it's time to enjoy the August Bank Holiday weekend.

We've came up with some ideas to get the Little Hotdogs outside this long weekend, from Mini Festivals to Day Trips and all round Family FUN! 🥰

  • Mini Garden Festival 🕺🏼

Why not give camping a trial run in your garden, and even turn it into a little mini festival? Make a playlist of all your favourite songs, pitch the tent and have an evening under the stars. This will also introduce little ones to the idea of a festival, and give you a chance to see if camping is right for you! 

Plus, get Festival ready with LHW...

  • Go for a Family Walk 🌲

Enjoy a short, picturesque walk together and soak up the sights! A walk can also be a good time to ask our children how they're feeling about the new school year.

For some of them it’s the first time in a new setting, classroom or their first venture into school altogether - a time full of both excitement, anxiety and emotion (for kids and parents!)

Chatting while talking is a great way to discuss things / worries you might want to talk about but are not able to say face-to-face.

  • Try outdoor Yoga! 🧘🏻

Our kids are never too young to enjoy the benefits of using their bodies! Yoga is particularly beneficial for both parents and child. It helps refine balance, strengthen coordination and boost focus as well as encouraging mind-body connection. The good news is, you don’t have to be a yoga expert yourself to help your kids have a try!

  • Fun with Water Balloons 💧

On a hot day, there's nothing better than playing with water to cool down! There are so many fun ways to enjoy water balloons on a hot day. Play hot potato, and pass round water balloons in a circle until the music stops: the last person with their water balloon un-popped is the winner! 

If it is a hot day, don't forget to keep your little ones are yourself protected with a LHW hat.
  • Play Classic Playground Games.
Tag, Hide & Seek, Stuck in the Mud - share old classics with your kids or ask them what they play in the playground at nursery/school, then join in!  
  • Family Cycling! 🚲
Get on your bikes! Whether it’s racing laps around the park or heading in the car to find one of the UK’s brilliant family-friendly cycle routes.
  • Take a Trip to the Beach 🏖️
There’s nothing quite like a sandy day beneath the sunshine. Digging holes, building sand castles, and watching gleeful faces as the waves tickle their toes!
  • Go on a Hunt! 🐛
We love going on scavenger hunts and nature collecting walks. Draw your child a list of natural finds and challenge them to collect them or hide treasure in the garden. For preschoolers, a shape spotting walk is also fun! How many squares/circles/triangles can you see as you explore? 
Don't forget your Little Hotdog Watson hat, find the perfect one for this Bank Holiday weekend. Need your order ASAP? Select Next Day Delivery at checkout and order before 12pm to receive your order NEXT DAY! Happy Long Weekend! 😜

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