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7 Things people starting a new business probably shouldn’t say
This is my first official blog for Little Hotdog Watson. I was doing a bit of cheat piece on Tumblr that was linked from instagram (lazy *rolls eyes) but more and more people kept saying I should write this blog thing properly. They wanted to know, how the business was coming together, how do you start developing hats, what’s a swing ticket and why do I need it? Mostly, they’ve been asking about how I am fitting this all in with a 1 year old. So I’ve decided to give it a go and do this blog thing properly.
So here it’s starts. ‘Behind the Seams’ is officially launched. I’m going to write this my way, which is to be completely honest, warts and all and try to be as informative as possible. I am also really keen to hear from other parents going on a similar journey of setting up a business or anyone with good products ideas, or who would like to collaborate, or any parents who just haven’t slept in like a year so I don’t feel insane on my own. It will make me feel a bit less nuts about just typing this and sending out into the ether!!
Every blog I’ve ever read always starts with a little piece about the person writing it. It makes sense. People want to know who is talking and why they should be listening. I get it but it also a little cringeworthy ‘shouting’ about yourself.
Instead I’ve listed below the 7 things that probably tell you a lot (not all bad I hope) about me
About Me
There are probably only seven things you really need to know about me.
1. I’m a new (ish) mum. To the loving tornado that is H. I love being a mum. I wasn’t always sure this would be the case, I was never a baby person but she has got me wrapped round her finger.
2. I love fashion. I have worked in it all my life, whether in shoe shops fitting kids shoes, studying it or designing and developing for it. I LOVE fashion. I would rather be dressed up than down and I think new shoes can solve most problems (this is shallow I know but shoes are shoes!) I wear a lot of leopard print. A LOT
3. I am rubbish with technology. I am the kind of person who can walk into a room and make the TV, phone and WiFi all stop working at once. I married someone who is amazing with technology and I have spent large portions of my life trying to understand it because I know it’s awesome and I want to make it easier to understand for everyone
4. I am really tall. I am taller than the average man. I love being tall and often help people in supermarkets who can’t reach the top shelves. I used to wear heels all the time to make myself an absolute giant but now I have a small child and have to wear flats a lot more.
5. I hate HATE HATE bananas. My fear was so bad that I couldn’t be near someone while they ate one. Since becoming a mum I have had to work towards getting over this. I can now hold a banana, cut one up and feed H. However, I will never eat a banana.
6. I am a Liverpool FC fan for life. My ultimate dream would be to watch the derby in the box at Anfield with my Dad, Hubby, Bro, H and Cousin sat next to Ian Rush and Sir Kenny. I am friends with other football supporters but you will always be in my gang if you are a fellow red.
7. One last thing. Little Hotdog Watson is my baby. It’s my dream to make this business a success not to make money (although that would be nice!). I want to make awesome products that I couldn’t find to buy or H and build a team of creatives that have fun and enjoy their jobs that works with family life!
I would love to hear the 7 things about you that make you tick.
Leave your list below and I will pick my favourite one and send a little treat at the end of month.
Emma x
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